Fare Cinema

Virgin Spring Cinefest

Best Actor:
Vittorio Ciorcalo (in Walter Treppiedi)

Best Debut Filmmaker:
Piergiuseppe Zaia (in Creators - The Past)
Creators - The Past
Ciro Sorrentino (in Time Perspectives)
Elena Bouryka (in Walter Treppiedi)

Best Music Score:
Sergio Cammariere
Piergiuseppe Zaia (in Creators - The Past)

Best Short:

Silver Award Best Actor:
Danilo Rotundo (in L'Ultimo Sole della Notte)

Silver Award Best Director:
Matteo Scarfo' (in L'Ultimo Sole della Notte)

Silver Award Best Music Score:
Lorenzo Sutton (in L'Ultimo Sole della Notte)

Silver Award Best Narrative Feature:
L'Ultimo Sole della Notte